OTZ Pre-Lab

PDF version


Before the 1st Day of Lab


Student's Name: ______________________________________________________________


Partner's Name: ______________________________________________________________


Before the Lab

Before using the apparatus in this experiment, you must complete training in the safe use of lasers detailed on the Laser Safety Training page. This includes readings, watching a video, taking a Laser Quiz, and filling out a Laser Training Certificate form. You must turn in the completed forms into the 111 Lab Staff before you start the experiment.

Pre-lab Questions and Sign Off Sheet

It is your responsibility to discuss this lab with an instructor before your first day of your scheduled lab period. This signed sheet must be included as the first page of your report. Without it you will lose grade points. You should be prepared to discuss at least the following before you come to lab:

  1. How does an Optical Trap work?
  2. What is a Power Spectrum Density (PSD) Graph and what can it be used for?
  3. What is meant by sensitivity and stiffness of an Optical Trap?
  4. What are the safety requirements for working with this laser?


Staff Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________

Completed before the first day of lab? (circle)   Yes   /   No

Mid-lab Questions and Sign Off Sheet

By day 2 of this lab, you should have successfully created a slide with a dilute solution of 1 micron beads, turned on the laser, trapped a bead, and moved it vertically and horizontally. Start the Optical Trapping program and take real time data while the bead is trapped. Using the "Alt + Print Screen" command, copy the Power Spectrum Density graph and show it to a GSI.



Staff Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________

Completed on the second day of lab? (circle)   Yes   /   No

Please also fill out the Student Evaluation of Experiment.