function [ outStruct ] = GaussianFit(x,y,sigma_y,tol) %GaussianFit: Performs a nonlinear weighted fit on data and calculates % uncertainties on the fit parameters [A;mu;sigma] % y = A*exp(-0.5*(x-mu).^2/sigma^2) % % % Note: Be wary of offset Gaussians. If the tails of the distribution do % not decay to zero, the fit will not work properly. In this case % it is recommended that the user either modify the code to add % parameters for the background (e.g. a Gaussian plus a constant) % or that the user first subtract the background noise and then % fit the data near the peak. % % Note: This program uses Gauss-Newton iteration to determine the fit % parameters, which for some cases might not converge. In this % case, it is recommended that the tails of the distribution be % cut off, with most of the data kept near the peak. % % % INPUTS: x, y, (sigma_y), (tol) % x: Independant variable (follows a Gaussian distribution) % y: Dependant variable (counts or intensity of x) % sigma_y: Uncertainties on the dependant variable % tol: Relative tolerance for the numerical iteration % % The inputs x, y, and possibly sigma_y must be the same size and 1xN % or Nx1. If sigma_y is not provided, the fit will assume equal % weighting and will solve for the sigma_y that makes the reduced % chi-squared equal to 1. If tol is not provided, the iteration will % use a preset tolerance for its stop criterion. % % % OUTPUTS: A structure array containing the following fields: % A: Amplitude of the Gaussian % mu: Mean of the Gaussian % sigma: Standard deviation of the Gaussian % sig_[var]: Uncertainties of the fit parameters % corr_[vars]: Correlation coefficients of the fit parameters % fit_x, fit_y: The x and y coordinates of the fit % chi2: The chi-squared estimate of goodness-of-fit % chi2red: Reduced chi-squared % sigma_y: If not an input, estimates the uncertainty of y % % For an equal-weighted fit, a sigma_y will be found such that the % reduced chi-squared will be 1. x = x(:); y = y(:); %Resizes as column arrays %Initial guess of fit parameters mu0 = x'*y/sum(y); sigma0 = sqrt((x'-mu0).^2*y/sum(y)); A0 = max(y); %Shifts Gaussian to improve numerics yn = y/A0; xn = (x-mu0)/sigma0; P = [1;0;1]; %Estimates of shifted [Amplitude; Mean; Standard Deviation] if (~exist('sigma_y','var')) %No uncertainties given (unweighted fit) u = 1; sigma_yn = ones(size(y)); %Temporarily sets all uncertainties to 1 %This is rescaled once sigma_y is estimated else u = 0; sigma_y(sigma_y<=0) = min(sigma_y(sigma_y>0)); %Resets nonpositive %uncertainties sigma_yn = sigma_y/A0; end if (~exist('tol','var')) %No relative tolerance given tol = 1e-12; end %Weight matrix W = diag(sigma_yn.^-2); %Gaussian and Jacobian derivative with respect to fit parameters f = @(x,A,mu,sigma)(A*exp(-.5*((x-mu)/sigma).^2)); Df = @(x,A,mu,sigma)([f(x,A,mu,sigma)/A,(x-mu)/sigma^2.*f(x,A,mu,sigma),... (x-mu).^2/sigma^3.*f(x,A,mu,sigma)]); %Gauss-Newton iteration err = Inf; while err > tol J = Df(xn,P(1),P(2),P(3)); dyn = yn-f(xn,P(1),P(2),P(3)); N = J'*W*J; c = J'*W*dyn; dP = N\c; P = P+dP; if P(3)<0 P(3) = -P(3); %Ensures a positive standard deviation end err = sqrt((c'*dP)/(dyn'*W*dyn)); end %Unscales A = P(1)*A0; mu = P(2)*sigma0+mu0; sigma = P(3)*sigma0; df = length(x)-length(P); %Degrees of freedom dy = y-f(x,A,mu,sigma); J = Df(x,A,mu,sigma); N = J'*W*J; if u==1 %Unweighted fit; W (and hence N) is scaled to match uncertainties chi2red = 1; chi2 = df; s_y = sqrt((dy'*dy)/df); %Estimates the uncertainty in y V = N\eye(size(N))*s_y^2; %Matrix of variances and covariances else %Weighted fit; W (and hence N) is unscaled here chi2 = dy'*W*dy/A0^2; chi2red = chi2/df; V = N\eye(size(N))*A0^2; %Matrix of variances and covariances end outStruct = struct(); outStruct.A = A; outStruct.sig_A = sqrt(V(1,1)); = mu; %Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty! outStruct.sig_mu = sqrt(V(2,2)); outStruct.sigma = sigma; outStruct.sig_sigma = sqrt(V(3,3)); outStruct.corr_A_mu = V(1,2)/sqrt(V(1,1)*V(2,2)); outStruct.corr_A_sigma = V(1,3)/sqrt(V(1,1)*V(3,3)); outStruct.corr_mu_sigma = V(2,3)/sqrt(V(2,2)*V(3,3)); outStruct.fit_x = x; outStruct.fit_y = f(x,A,mu,sigma); outStruct.chi2 = chi2; outStruct.chi2red = chi2red; if u==1 outStruct.sigma_y = s_y; end end %Fine structure